By: Orchard Growth Partners

David Gray, a Principal with Orchard Growth Partners, has recently been appointed the Honorary Treasurer of the Motor Neurone Disease Association. He has been a Trustee since September 2005 and is a member of the Finance Committee.

MND affects around 5,000 people in the UK; five people a day die from the disease and life expectancy for most is just two to five years. The Research Foundation was launched in 2006 to raise £15m to specifically finance a six year plan to hopefully move closer to the vision of a ‘world free of MND’. So far more than £11.5m has been raised.

David, a Chartered Accountant, is an experienced finance director, primarily in quoted and AIM listed small caps. He has taken a company to IPO on AIM and worked with other SME’s including another planning an AIM listing and a start up ladies fashion business.

Commenting on his appointment, David Gray said:

“I feel honoured and privileged to have been appointed. I follow in the footsteps of some excellent past treasurers and am looking forward to working more closely with the executive team at the MND Association. With increased funding and awareness it is an exciting time which will hopefully contribute to the ultimate aim of “a world free of MND“.“

About the Motor Neurone Disease Association:

The Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association is dedicated to the support of people with MND and those who care for them. The Association funds and promotes research to understand what causes MND, how to diagnose it and, most importantly, how to effectively treat it so that it no longer devastates lives. We also campaign nationally and locally for better care for all people with MND, and provide support and advice to help people with the disease and those who care for them to achieve the highest quality of life possible.

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