What is Social Marketing?
By: Scott OBrien
I’m often asked… What is Social Marketing?
Social Marketing is an Art & Science!
An Art and Science of Communicating, Cultivating, and Developing Relationship with another Human Being and Empowering them with their own needs… not your own!
My name is Scott OBrien and I have spent the last few years… learning and growing. My reality is nothing short of abundant. I lead an amazing life and my life keeps getting better and better. I attract the same type of beliefs and attitudes. Everything that touches me resonates through me to my family.
I will run as fast as I can, from anything that radiates negativity.
This is who I DO NOT want to interact or do business with:
1. Negative, self loathing people who always put others down.
2. People who blame everyone else for their circumstances and don’t believe they have the power to create their own reality.
3. People that spend all their time complaining about everything and take energy away from everyone else.
This is not to say that I don’t care… I do care way too much… that is why I have to say NO!
I am at a point in my life where I want to Grow and continue to move forward. I want my life to be Super Abundant. So I have to surround myself from people who won’t ever hold me back. This is very hard to do for me, because I care so much about people - especially those who are struggling. It’s one thing to be struggling, but believing you can do this, rather than struggling with a negative attitude, it’s really completely different. But here is the thing, if you are reading this post, I know that you have a little positive energy in you - so I would love to meet you! Whether it is your positive energy or mine - you arrived here right now, so let me tell you about the type of people that I do want to align myself with:
1. People who want to grow and empower themselves and others… people who believe in abundance.
2. People who want to achieve a balanced life: spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally.
3. People that want to give back to the world and see the world as an abundant place.
4. Marketers and other successful entrepreneurs who want to take control of their own financial reality and make a BIG change!
5. Fellow Health and Wellness friends. I love being healthy both in mind and body! People that want to treat their physical body like it was made to be treated…well!
6. People who won’t quit! Social Marketing is more like a marathon… not a 100 yard dash!
Essentially, I want to meet anyone who thinks Big and Believes that this Universe is Abundant. People that want to achieve an incredible reality and give that abundance back to the world. My goal is to create an abundant group of fellow like minded people that can teach others how to achieve a balanced life while creating wealth and then giving back to others.
Remember what Marketing is? Empowering people with their own needs… not your own! The thing that most people in marketing are looking for is a genuine mentor and education. They really aren’t looking for that amazing product you offer or that pay plan. They are looking for someone that can help them.
Social Marketing is about Marketing Yourself! When you call someone or send them an email… Don’t push you deal… Ask them a question and let them tell you exactly what they are looking for. How long have you been marketing? Are you married? Do you have children? Are you working full-time from home? Just a few questions and you will learn a lot about a person.
As these people begin to know, like and trust you… I can assure you… they will start ask you about you & your business opportunity. I can also assure you that you will be more comfortable working with this person and helping them become successful and part of your team just because you started a genuine relationship!
Align yourself with leaders like Scott OBrien or Rex Harris today and say hello… Genuine Leaders that would love to meet you and help you build a home business that you’ll be proud of for many years!
Scott OBrien
Purple Cowboys Marketing
Technorati Tags:mlm, network marketing, work at home, make money online, financial freedom, marketing, home based business, business opportunity, funded proposal, make money at home, social marketing, relationship marketing, marketing system, scott obrien, purple cowboys
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