Author: Amy

In a previous article I have discussed, what you need to know if you ever what you networking marketing business to succeed, well I have a new addition. I have recently discovered the power of social network marketing. A special thanks to Deagan Smith, and Joe LoBalsamo. You guys have inspired me to go my own way. I would recommend your program to anyone. You sparked something in me that I always hoped was there. So, a leader I am now and not a follower. Who knew, well Joe did. Joe it was one night when I was about to give up. Yes, I had had it with the whole idea of marketing online and I found your blog. Thank goodness for Joe!

No more lead buying for me and no more calling anyone unless I want to. Amen to that is all I can say.

If you want to build a business with people that have the same interest as you, it only makes sense to go where they are. Think about it, if you are sitting out on the highway, and there are cars racing by you, how many of those drivers do you think are really going to notice you. Only if you have a flashing neon sign hanging over your head. Most everyone going by has other things on their mind. They have other places they want to go, and are in search of something, and guess what! 99 per percent of the time you are not what they are looking for. On the other had, if you find where those people are going, what their interests are and help them get to where they want to be, and be a friend a long the way, the results are nothing but amazing. Don't get passed by, go along for the ride. Make friends and business partners for a lifetime. Together we will succeed. So, to get to the point of this whole article. The Social Networking venue is A+. I recommend anyone that is struggling to give it a try. Visit me at If you are looking for the leader in you, take a look at Joe's Blog! FYI just google his name. You will find him everywhere.

To our Success!
This article is written in honor of hoffs37. Hoffey you are the best!

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