Viral Video Marketing Your Way To Success
Author: Todd Ash
The definition of a viral video is basically a video clip which gains widespread popularity through the process of Internet sharing, typically through e-mail, IM messages, blogs and other media sharing websites. Brick Marketing's viral video marketing is a service that combines the creation of a viral video and online video marketing.
Viral video marketing is a super way to build your online brand, visibility, among a host of other online business benefits. Take some lessons from the big guys about how to use video marketing the right way, it's about more than just traffic.
The amateurs like "Brookers" and "Lonelygirl" publish their video clips for fun and notoriety, and the big corporations like Nike, Warner Bros, and MTV2 produce and publish them in order to drive traffic to their web sites and sell more of their products or services. Because the advertising cost relatively inexpensive. And it produces results.
Todays youth now spend more time online that watching television. It's all about pageviews and favourites and bookmarks and links on blogs. Your YouTube video can assume viral status and be passed on via emails and blogs. Even be spotted on Facebook walls. Since the audience themselves decide whether or not your video is worthy enough to become viral or not. You better make sure it is. That is where StudioX comes in.
This piece also includes a best practices rundown by Justin Kirby, managing director of viral marketing company DMC, who did the planning, seeding and tracking for this campaign. The creative was produced by Maverick Media.
People aren't just watching video online, either. They're taking it with them by downloading video clips to their handheld devices like the video iPod and Sony's video game console, the PlayStation Portable. Now cell phones have the ability to watch YouTube videos.
For the online entrepreneur (the web site owner seeking to make money online) the purpose of your you tube video is to bring traffic to your site. The You tube video site is a phenomenon which has taken the internet by storm and unless you've been off in a far away place, you will not doubt have seen one of the many videos which have been popularized by the site such as Tyson the roller-skating dog. Did you know that You Tube gets twice as much traffic as Google. That means that you tube alone, gets one million hits a day.
Do a video contest because everyone else is. This online-video "contest" fad will continue, and it will become more difficult to activate consumers to promote your product. Do a search for "video contest" on Google and you'll see four or five different ads for contests.
The David Chappelle video contest is a good example of a nice idea with some executional flaws. First, it didn't initially promote the contest on its own website because it wanted to focus people on buying the DVD. Second, it petered out. Contest winners weren't announced and insufficient media budget promoted the contest. To give you an idea of how abused contests are getting, there was a summer promotion for a mayonnaise manufacturer looking for videos about may recipes.
However their are numerous ways to monetize viral videos. From contextual ad programs like Adsense, Yahoo Publishers Network and Chitika to affiliate programs and product sales "revenue sharing is just one aspect of earning money through the use of online video.
Viral video marketing is the gift that keeps on giving. Internet video marketing is going to be the next big thing in SEO. The "on-demand" characteristic of video marketing is another great benefit. Why video marketing is the most powerful and effective method to earn profits The truly simple steps to get setup in a flash and add videos to your web pages Why you're suffering, even if you don't know it, if you're only using other advertising and promotion techniques. The big reasons why video marketing is so effective and how you can capitalize on them and so much more.
Viral videos are those videocam recordings that get spread around the internet like wild fire. Without anyencouragement, people share a video clip with everyone they know. And within days, thousands of people have seen the video clip.
Facebook: Share, share, share. Other ideas include creating an event that announces the video launch and inviting friends, writing a note and tagging friends, or posting the video on Facebook Video with a link back to the original YouTube video.
Look at the evolution from where the internet first started. It started out with everything being free. Natural search was first starting. You could actually go to the top of a natural search engine within a day or two of launching a site and start getting traffic almost immediately.
Kevin Nalts is one of the most-viewed YouTube comedians with more than 650 short online videos seen more than 25 million times. By day he's a Marketing Director at a Fortune 100 company, and he speaks, writes and consults in the area of online marketing and viral video.
Todd Ash Is An Entrepreneur and A Master Of Network Marketing.To Find Out More About Succeeding Online Click Here To Visit For Free Information
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