Author: Rachelle Ann

Have you ever written advertisement copies for your products? A bad copy will not look good even if you use offset printing for the materials that contain such.

There are three parts of the body of your ad copy. These are the lead, the proving statements and closing lines.

Among the three, the first and last part are the most easy to do. When you are doing your lead, you follow certain styles to come up with a catchy one.
• You can ask questions.
• You can cite a witty sample.
• You can quote a famous line.
• You can crack a joke.
You will plant something with your lead and answer that on your closing line. The lead will help the client decide if they want to read the ad further. That means your ad is a success if its recipient get to the closing line part.

And that is the pressure that lies on the proving statements. Your clients have gone that far. But they still have the option to put the ad down if they find it full of crap. So do not fall on this trap. Let your proving statements prove that you have good products. Let it make a mark and leave a positive impression enough for the client to read all through the closing line.

Proving Statements
It is given that your clients are holding your ad. That means that they are not really expecting that you will say anything bad about your own business. You won’t use offset printing for your materials if you will only ruin them by your words.

So how do you strategize in making those statements?

1. You can cite testimonials.
You can use those positive testimonials that your previous clients have told you or written you about. This will be more effective if a known person will testify as to how effective your product is or how good the people are in your company.

Do not go overboard though. Do not invent the words for the sake of the ad. You still have to be true and sincere.

2. You can use endorsements.
This will require an additional cost. But if you’ve got the right person to commend your products to your target market, then by all means, do so. You can get a celebrity, a known individual and an expert in your field.

3. Be proud of your awards.
Not all companies may have these. So if you have a lot, especially from credible award giving bodies that have something to do with the industry, then use such tool. This will play an important role in convincing your clients.
4. Business background
Are you affiliated with any larger companies? Or maybe you have been in the business for so many years already. Or you may also be part of a group of renowned businesses. You can boast all those to the people who will be getting your ads.

You have so many things to say. You just have to know how to say them right through your ads. Match those words with offset printing and your ads and your business will surely go a long, long way.

About the Author:

The author is a very energetic person. She loves to play badminton and volleyball. She likes taking care of dogs. She is an outgoing person. She always wants to have fun in everything she does.
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